Our Vision and Mission.
The European Institute of Peace provides practical experience, technical expertise, creative ideas and policy advice on conflict prevention and resolution. We are peace entrepreneurs.
Active in over twenty locations around the world, the Institute combines the agility of an independent organisation with the diplomatic reach of its board and proximity to the European Union and to European states.
Our vision is a world where armed conflict and threats to life and livelihoods are reduced and resolved through effective dialogue, mediation, and inclusive peace processes. Our mission is to catalyse and invest in opportunities for non-violent conflict resolution in ways that respond to the needs and hopes of people most at risk and in doing so, to optimise Europe’s contribution to sustainable peace.
The European Institute of Peace is uniquely placed to increase understanding of conflict resolution, and to increase the ability to respond effectively.
Who we work with
- The Parties to Conflict, including states, powerbrokers in the public and private sectors, non-state actors and armed groups, as well as those seeking to strengthen the agency of people suffering from insecurity or at risk of violence.
- European Decision Makers, politicians and officials in states and in the European Union as well as in civil society and the private sector.
- Local Stakeholders, including community leaders, grassroots networks, and local authorities.
- Regional Stakeholders including formal and informal bodies and influential actors whose engagement is essential for productive dialogue and sustainable conflict resolution.
- The Conflict Resolution and Mediation Community, including in the United Nations, EU, inter-governmental organisations, national governments as well as in civil society: NGOs, practitioners, activists and academics.

Where we work
The European Institute of Peace is headquarted in Brussels and manages over twenty initiatives in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
Guided by international law, human rights and a commitment to inclusivity and sustainability, its work is demand-driven and informed by careful analysis, including of the political economy, the root causes of conflict and the motives, goals and core interests of parties.