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List of Questions per Consultation Tool (in English)

  1. Sex 
  2. Age 
  3. Marital Status

4.a. Number of direct family members (children and parents)

4.b. Does your direct family rely mostly on you for income? 

  1. Level of Education 
  2. Profession
  3. Monthly Income Level 

8.a. Which governorate are you originally from?

8.b. If you moved from another governorate/directorate check any/all boxes explaining why 

  1. Political Affiliation
  2. What are the sources that you rely on to get news and information?
  3. What priorities do you see as most important today?
  4. What would be the best mechanism to guarantee rights of citizens? 
  5. If and when the war stops, what are the urgent priorities – from your point of view – which should be emphasised and focused on? 
  6. Which impartial entities, countries or organisations, both local and international, would you welcome to support reconciliation and peace efforts in Yemen?
  7. Do you feel that your rights and that of your family are respected in the current status quo?

16.a. Have you, a member of your family, or someone you know been subjected to a human rights violation?

16.b. If the answer is ‘Yes’, what kind of violation was this?

17.a. Which party do you suspect was the perpetrator of a violation that you, a member of your family or someone you know suffered?

17.b. Have you reported this violation?

17.c. If the answer is ‘Yes’, what was the authority that you informed?

  1. From your perspective, how important are these notions as basic human needs in your own community? 
  2. In your area, what challenges hinder peace-building other than war? 
  3. In your opinion, what is the solution for overcoming human rights violations and turning the page of the past?
  4. What is the best way to achieve justice?
  5. What kind of compensation would you suggest?
  6. Do you feel that there is political or economic marginalisation based on regional basis?
  7. How is inequality and marginalisation best addressed in your opinion? 
  8. What does reconciliation mean to you? Please check any/all that apply.
  9. Are you more interested in achieving reconciliation on a national scale in all of Yemen or achieving it on a local scale only?
  10. Do you think that reconciliation will guarantee social cohesion between the Yemenis?
  11. What are the best ways to achieve reconciliation? 

29.a. Have you heard or read about experiences of countries where reconciliation succeeded?

29.b. If answered Yes above, where and what have you have you heard?

29.c. Do you think they may succeed in Yemen?

30.a. Are traditional/local methods of reconciliation sufficient to deal with human rights violations and turn the page? 

30.b. Which kinds? 

  1. Do you believe that a peace deal between the warring factions will pave road to improving basic services and increase opportunities for a better livelihood in the short-term?
  2. What is your assessment of the quality of services (municipal, electricity, waste management etc.) in your area?
  3. What is your assessment of the availability of clean water in your area?
  4. What is your assessment of the quality of educational services in your area?
  5. What is your assessment of the quality of health services in your area?
  6. What is your assessment of the level of freedoms in your area?
  7. What is your assessment of the quality of the rule of law in your area?
  8. Are you satisfied with the situation in general at present?
  9. Are you satisfied with internet availability and ease of access to information?
  10. According to your own experience, how easy is it to travel across Yemen?


  1. In your opinion, what are the most important people’s priorities at the present time? In Yemen as a whole, and in your directorate/governorate?
  2. In your opinion, what would be the most urgent people’s priorities if and when the war stops? In Yemen as a whole, and in your directorate/governorate?
  3. Which countries, entities or organisations would you welcome to support reconciliation and peace efforts in Yemen and why?
  4. From your own point of view, why is it important to addressing the peoples’ priorities in your area and would that help reconciliation efforts?
  5. What are the types of human rights violations which are most urgent to address that occurred in Yemen, and specifically in your region during the current war?
  6. Have you, or any member of your family, been affected by these violations? 
  7. In your judgement, who are groups or entities responsible for the human rights violations? 
  8. Have the violations been documented? If so, how and to which entity were they reported? 
  9. Do you think that the Yemeni people need to keep a record of the violations and that they should be remembered by public? 
  10. Would keeping a record of violations help the prospects of peace?
  11. In your opinion, what are the most important human rights that need to be guarded in the context of Yemen?
  12. What does reconciliation mean to you?
  13. In your area, in addition to the war, what are the other challenges hindering peacebuilding and reconciliation? 
  14. Can you tell us a little bit about your work and how it may be currently contributing to peace and security in your area versus how would you like it to contribute to peace and security in the future?
  15. There is a lot of talk about region-based political and economic marginalisation, do you think this is true? And if there was, how would you about in addressing it? 
  16. Would you personally be more interested in regional or national reconciliation, and why? 
  17. In your opinion, what are the best ways to achieve reconciliation locally, and nationally?
  18. Have you heard or read about experiences of countries where reconciliation succeeded? If yes, can you tell us a little bit about it and if same can be applied in Yemen?
  19. Can traditional/local methods of reconciliation address human rights violations and conflicts? Which kind of methods and which kinds of violations?
  20. In your view, what would be the best solution to turn the page on the past and move forward?
  21. Which is more important do you think, justice and accountability, or national reconciliation? Can you please elaborate why?
  22. Does pursuing justice and accountability vs. national reconciliation require different actions? Can you please explain? 
  23. Do you support holding violators accountable for their actions? If so, how do you envision holding them accountable and what would be the mechanisms and frameworks to achieve that?
  24. Do you believe that the judicial system is capable of prosecuting violators and holding them accountable? 
  25. Is it possible to rely on compensation to achieve reconciliation, and what kind of compensation would you propose? 
  26. What is your understanding of transitional justice, and do you think it can be relied upon in Yemen to achieve peace and ensure that past violations are not repeated?
  27. In your opinion, what are the needs for the people in your area?
  28. What is your assessment of the way those needs are being addressed?

Focus Groups

  1. What is the priority that you consider most important at the present time, and what would be the immediate priorities when and if the war ends? How would you address that priority? 
  2. What are the most important human rights that you consider very important for the society and the citizen?
  3. In your district/governorate, what are the challenges that hinder peace building other than the war?
  4. There is a lot of talk about political and economic marginalisation based on a regional basis. Do you think this is correct, and how can this be addressed and the rebuilding of confidence among Yemenis?
  5. What are the best ways to achieve local reconciliation and consolidate the peace process and how would it be different from a national approach?
  6. Based on what you know of national reconciliation initiatives; how would you envision that being applied to and working in Yemen? 
  7. What are the mechanisms and frameworks that can be adopted to achieve justice and accountability?
  8. Are there tribal leaders, individuals, sheikhs, or local entities, who are able to attain justice and accountability?
  9. What do you think would be necessary to achieve reconciliation?
  10. What is your understanding of transitional justice?

Community Dialogues

  1. What is the priority that you consider most important at the present time, and what would be the immediate priorities when and if the war ends?
  2. In your district/governorate, what are the challenges that hinder peace building?
  3. There is a lot of talk about political and economic marginalisation based on a regional basis. Do you think this is correct about your governorate, and how can this be addressed and the rebuilding of confidence among Yemenis?
  4. What do you think would be necessary to achieve reconciliation?
  5. What are the mechanisms and frameworks that can be adopted to achieve justice and accountability?
  6. How should transitional justice look in Yemen?