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Financing Peace: Enhancing adaption, maximising impact

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Violent conflict and efforts to resolve it have evolved rapidly over the past decade. One shift is the ways in which peace mediation and dialogue initiatives are funded. This has a major impact on how effective peace processes are, how peace support entities can seize and create opportunities, and how we navigate the winding paths to peace. This report proposes strategies and concrete next steps for practitioners and donors alike to address challenges and concerns collaboratively.

To explore the trends in financing peace processes the European Institute of Peace, Conciliation Resources, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, and swisspeace convened a joint online event on 11 February 2021. It brought together peace practitioners with government and philanthropic donors to explore current practice in funding peacemaking and peacebuilding. This summary report captures key insights, lessons and experiences of current peace funding practice.

Watch a recording of the event here.

This research was funded by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect their views.

This article is also visible through our partner Conciliation Resources.

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