Survey to accompany the European Institute for Peace (EIP) Global Review on the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda: Breaking Barriers, Making Peace initiative

Find the Survey: In English ; French ; Arabic ; Spanish
Dear Colleagues:
The European Institute of Peace, an independent conflict resolution organisation, is circulating this short – 10 question – survey. The survey aims to gather your concerns, ideas, and perspectives about the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda in the lead up to its 25th anniversary in 2025.
The survey responses will be included in a March 2025 analytical report from the Institute. The report will identify the barriers preventing women’s meaningful participation in conflict prevention and peace processes. It will map the practical actions taken to mitigate or overcome these barriers and analyse these efforts to inform future WPS policymaking, funding and programming.
The survey will be open from November 2024 to 31st January 2025. It will be available in English, Arabic and French. All responses will be anonymous.
Our target audience includes people who have worked on conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and the WPS agenda. Please share widely amongst your networks and within organisations. Anyone can respond – practitioners, analysts, donors and government officials, UN personnel, those from other international organisations, and even those who do not regard themselves as a WPS specialist.
For questions about this survey, please contact:
Sophia Close:
Siad Darwish:
This survey is conducted on behalf of Miriam Østergaard Reifferscheidt:, Senior Programme Officer – Gender and Peacemaking, Peace Practice and Innovation Unit, European Institute of Peace. This project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Thank you for taking time to complete this short survey.