The European Institute of Peace releases today 12 December a policy paper suggesting a way forward to overcome the impasse in the Kosovo-Serbia normalization dialogue, and to enable conditions for a sustained process and successful implementation.
The Institute has been active in the Western Balkans since early 2021. Our primary focus has been to provide an independent contribution to the success of the Kosovo-Serbia Normalization Dialogue.
As an independent organisation, we have conducted research into some of the Dialogue topics and discussed them through our Track 2 networks in Kosovo and in Serbia. One notable contribution has been our proposal for the statute of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipality that we produced in late 2022 and published in early 2023, jointly with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (foundation).
This paper argues that the oscillating international attention and the resulting inability to closely monitor developments and conduct remedial steps at the first sign of non-compliance is an essential part of the problem. It proposes a structural solution to reset the process and be able to identify, monitor, and address non-compliance early on, thus preventing derails and escalations.