Stine Lehmann-Larsen

Stine Lehmann-Larsen is Director for Engagement, Dialogue and Process Design and Deputy Executive Director at the European Institute of Peace, overseeing EIP’s mediation, dialogue and peace support initiatives and supporting the Executive Director’s mandate. She is responsible for making sure the Institute is responsive to overall political challenges to peacemaking – contextually and process related – and works as a strategic resource for its partners.
During 2018, she acted as EIP’s Executive Director, in charge of the Institute’s staff and operations on five continents. Since joining the Institute in 2015, she has designed and led multiple large-scale engagements in Afghanistan, Colombia, GLR, the Sudans, Venezuela and Yemen to name a few, together with a wide range of policy development initiatives in partnership with EIP’s European partners.
She has dedicated her career to advancing the way peacemaking and in particular mediation is carried out. Before joining EIP, she worked for eight years at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), where she led a wide range of initiatives that focused on support to peace processes, facilitating dispute resolution, and building strong and lasting partnerships with local and international actors in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Prior to that, she worked at the Danish Defence Academy, the Danish Institute for International Studies, and the Danish Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York. Her field of experience also includes work for an NGO in Cairo, and the set-up of a consultancy focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility and Change Management.
Since 2017, she has been a member of the Nordic Women’s Mediator Network.